
a conversation about ethnographic methods

Join us

The listserv

To subscribe to the anthrodesign list please complete a brief registration form, in which I request some very basic information about you and how you learned about the list.  Please don’t send me an email if you can avoid it!  The form helps me manage requests, and it also keeps the list quality high.

To participate once subscribed, use the address anthrodesign at yahoogroups dot com to send a message to the group.  The list is closed to reduce spam and keep advertising-type messages to a minimum, so it is not available via RSS.

Once subscribed, you can visit to edit your membership, find further instructions, or view the members and archives of earlier postings. You will need a Yahoo! ID to access the site.

Slack, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Slack.  The Ethnography Matters, Anthrodesign, and EPIC teams have created a Slack community for conversations about ​ethnographic methods. At Ethnography Hangout, we are an interdisciplinary group wearing many hats from design to tech and research, so you don’t need to have any formal background in ethnography to participate.   To us, creating a single Slack channel made a lot of sense to have our overlapping communities join into one place for conversations that extend beyond our own organizations and mailing lists.  To join the discussion on Slack , please fill out this form where we ask for some information about you and your work. Read our Slack guidelines.

LinkedIn.  We have a private group on LinkedIn that you can join if you wish – it’s a nice way to learn more about the professional background and experience of members, but it’s not an active communication channel.  You’ll be provided the link via the welcome message when you join the list.

Twitter.  There is also an open group on Twitter, and members of the group are using the #anthrodesign hashtag for exchanges related to those on the list.

Other ways to engage

Since the group’s inception, members have organized dinners in NYC, the Bay Area, Seattle, Toronto, Chicago, and also in London.  Major conferences (including anthropology association meetings, EPIC, CHI, and others) are also common places for meet-ups.

Please contact Natalie Hanson at ndhanthro at yahoo dot com to have your blog added to the Blogroll on this site.